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Qualitative Research

We understand the value and importance of qualitative research both as stand alone work and to accompany quantitative research as part of a total research programme.

We have a team of expert qualitative researchers who have many years of experience of qualitative research and keep completely up to date with the latest thinking in qualitative research through their membership of the Association of Qualitative Research.

We are not only experienced in qualitative research conducted in English and in the UK but also in qualitative research conducted in many other languages across Europe and beyond.

We conduct qualitative research among the full spectrum of healthcare stakeholders from patients to key opinion leaders and senior healthcare decision makers as well as GPs and specialists.

For each piece of qualitative research, we select and recommend the approach which we feel is the most appropriate.

Our standard approach is to conduct pilot interviews before proceeding to main stage fieldwork with interim top-line de-brief and discussion with the client, so that we can be sure to be totally responsive to the project needs and market dynamics. We always offer a full de-brief and workshop at the end of each project to assist our clients in assimilating the findings and integrating them into their marketing plans.